United Nations Environment Program

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) is a leading global environmental organization that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the United Nations system and is an advocate credible global environment. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) is the principal environmental organization of the United Nations system. UNEP uses its expertise to strengthen environmental standards and practices, while helping to meet environmental commitments at national, regional and global levels. UNEP’s mission is to play a leading role in protecting the environment by inspiring, informing and empowering people and individuals to improve their quality of life without endangering the lives of future generations. A. Climate change UNEP strengthens the capacity of countries to mainstream their response to climate change by playing a leading role in adaptation, mitigation, technology and finance. UNEP focuses on facilitating the transition to low-carbon societies, improving understanding of climate science, facilitating the development of renewable energy sources and raising public awareness. B. Conflict and disaster management UNEP assesses the environmental impact of countries in crisis and provides guidelines for improving environmental management through the implementation of legislative and institutional frameworks. UNEP’s post-conflict and disaster management (PCDMB) activities include post-conflict environmental impact assessments in Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Lebanon, Nigeria and Sudan. c) Ecosystem governance facilitates the management and restoration of ecosystems in accordance with sustainable development and promotes the use of ecosystem services. The Global Plan of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Continental Activities is one example. D. Environmental governance UNEP helps governments to develop, implement and strengthen the processes, institutions, laws, policies and programs necessary to achieve sustainable development at national, regional and global levels and to mainstream environment into the agenda. of development. e Harmful substances UNEP aims to reduce the effects of harmful substances and hazardous wastes on the environment and on humans. UNEP has started negotiations for a global mercury agreement and is implementing the Strategic Approach to Mercury and International Chemicals Management (SAICM) to reduce risks to human health and the environment. F. Resource efficiency / sustainable consumption and production UNEP focuses on regional and global efforts to ensure the production, processing and consumption of natural resources in a more environmentally friendly manner. For example, the Marrakesh process is a comprehensive strategy that supports the development of a ten-year planning framework for sustainable consumption and production.
Tags: and, environment, funds, Funds and Programs, nations, program, programs, UN Agency, UN System, united