International Refugee Organization

The International Organization for Refugees (IRO) was an intergovernmental organization created on April 20, 1946 to tackle the refugee problem caused by World War II. The preparatory committee was set up fourteen months ago. In 1948, the IRO Treaty officially entered into force and became a specialized service of the United Nations. The IRO performed most of the functions of the former United Nations Relief and Works Administration. In 1952, the IRO was dissolved and replaced by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The Constitution of the International Refugee Organization, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 15, 1946, is the founding document of IRO. The statutes define the scope of the association. Controversially, the constitution defined “persons of German ethnicity” who have been expelled from their homeland or deported to post-war Germany as “persons participating in the organization.” Will not be. “It singled out a larger group than any other displaced European. Further, due to disagreements between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, the IRO only operated in areas controlled by the Western occupation forces., Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Republic of China, Chile, Denmark, Dominican Republic, France, Guatemala, Honduras, Iceland, Italy, Liberia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, New Zealand, United Kingdom , United States and Venezuela The United States supplied approximately 40% of the IRO. the first General of the IRO was William Hallam Tuck, who was appointed was replaced by J. on July 31, 1949. He was replaced by Donald Kingsley. IRO ceased to exist on January 31, 1952 and expired on September 30, 1953 after a period of liquidation. Of particular importance were the United Nations for Refugees, created in January 1951, and the Intergovernmental Commission of the European Government (originally PICMME), created in December 1951.
Tags: Former Agencies, international, nations, organization, refugee, UN Agency, united