World Meteorological Organization

WMO staff swearing-in ceremony
who we are
WMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) with 193 member states and territories. It is the official voice of the United Nations system for the state and behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere, its interactions with the Earth and the oceans, the climate it creates and the consequent distribution of climate and water resources. . As the weather, climate and the water cycle know no bounds, global international cooperation is essential for the development of meteorology and functional hydrology and the benefits of their implementation. WMO provides a framework for such international cooperation. WMO comes from the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), which was founded in 1873 to facilitate the exchange of meteorological information across national borders. WMO, founded in 1950, became a specialized office of the United Nations in 1951. Its mandate covers meteorology (weather and climate), operational hydrology and related geophysical sciences. Since its inception, WMO has played a unique and powerful role in promoting the security and well-being of mankind. It facilitates cooperation between the national meteorological and hydro-logical services of its members and promotes the use of meteorology in many fields. WMO will continue to facilitate the free and unlimited exchange of real or near real-time data and information on products and services related to the safety and security of society, economic prosperity and the protection of people. the environment. Contributes to policy development in these areas at the national and international levels. The organization plays a leading role in international efforts to monitor and protect the environment through its programs. In cooperation with other United Nations agencies and National Meteorological and Hydro-logical Services, WMO supports the implementation of certain environmental conventions and assists governments in providing advice and assessments on related matters. These activities help ensure the sustainable development and prosperity of the population.